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For children and families served by Noah's Miracles, the holidays can be a stressful time, especially for families separated from their critically ill newborns. With your help, we can brighten the holidays for our NICU families and bring a little holiday cheer. 

Get Involved



Your generosity makes our work possible. By making a financial donation, you are ensuring we can continue to provide life-changing services to NICU families.



Image by Joel Muniz

Host A Drive

See our wishlist and collect items for our families with your work, civic, church group, or family. For more information, call or email Brittany Aldrete at



Adopt a family for the holidays! Purchase gifts for family members off of their provided wish list to make the holidays possible for NICU families and their children. 

Donation Request

  • Toys, books, and games for kids of all ages

  • Gifts for teens

  • Clothing, coats, pajamas, and HUGS (hats, underwear, gloves, and socks)

  • Small household items and toiletries

  • Monetary gifts/grocery cards


Drop-Off Deadline

We welcome donations through Wednesday December 20th, 2022

  • How Do I Get Started?
    For more information, call 719-373-1733 or email
  • Should I wrap the gift?
    No, we ask that all gifts remain unwrapped to better meet the needs of our clients.
  • Can I donate gently used items?
    Unfortunately, Noah's Miracles is not allowed to accept the donations of any used items as we serve critically ill newborns and their families.
  • Do I need permission to host a drive?
    No, please just share your plans with us so that we can anticipate your gifts and help you coordinate the delivery or pick up.
  • What if I'm not certain about the program within Noah's Miracles I would like to support?
    No problem. We will guide you to the program with the greatest need that best meets your interests. More Questions? Contact Brittany Aldrete for further information:
  • How can I sign up to receive gifts from the Holiday Adopt-A-Family program?
    An application for our Holiday Adopt-A-Family can be filled out online HERE, beginning November 1st.
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